From Hampden Township: Regulations For Personal Use Of Fireworks

26 Jun 2020 3:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Available here.

With summer festivities and the Fourth of July approaching, it is important for residents and visitors to know, understand and abide by Pennsylvania's Fireworks Law.

The law, which generally permits use of fireworks that were previously prohibited, has provisions that make it virtually impossible to legally discharge fireworks in Hampden Township.
•They cannot be ignited or discharged on a public or private property without express permission of the property owner.
•They cannot be discharged from or within a motor vehicle or building.
•They cannot be discharged toward a motor vehicle or building.
They cannot be discharged within 150 feet of an occupied structure, whether or not a person is actually present.
•They cannot be discharged while the person is under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance, or another drug.

If you are in a position to legally discharge fireworks, please consider the following things in order to be a considerate neighbor:
•The time of day and neighbors who may have small children.
•Local pets who may be terrified by a long, sustained fireworks display.
•Wind and weather conditions blowing your aerial rockets into neighbors yards.
If you discharge a firework and cause a fire, YOU can be held criminally liable (responsible) for the damage and any injury caused.

Finally, due to the increase in complaints, this law will be strictly enforced and citations will be issued for violations of the law.

If you have additional questions on the law, you can visit the Pennsylvania State Police website which further explains the law and provides some additional information.

Pennsylvania State Police:

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