Minutes of October 7, 2013, board meeting


In attendance via proxy: Alamio, Armstrong, Ault, Bright, Carpinello, Conti, Davis, Devlin, Elrod, Futchko, Hensel, John, Kaldes, Kessler, Kenjarski, Kuleszynski, Lee, Lose, Martinelli, Mayeski, Mullin, Nebel, Richards, Ross, Schuckers, Shriver, Simpson, Smith, Ulrich, Vollmar, Webb and Whittaker


In attendance in person: Abela, Blascovich, Chornak, Dutka, Fish, Fry, Hensel, C. Lowe, J. Lowe, Marin, Marr, Morrison and Ulp. 


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.


Ramon Marin gave a treasurer’s report.  The amount of dues that came in during 2013 was only $25 less than the $21,000 slated for the 2013 PBCA budget.  The Association does not foresee any abnormal expenditures for the remaining three months of 2013.  Interested residents are reminded the PBCA budget is posted each month on the PBCA website.  The expected expenses for 2014 should be about the same amounts as 2013 and as such, the dues will remain at $75 per household per calendar year.  The only major expense projected for 2014 is sidewalk repair for Pavilion Park. 


Jacquie mentioned the plaque honoring Pine Brook resident Don McCallin was hung on the side of the Pavilion building. The plaque thanks Don for all the support he had given the neighborhood over the years as a Township Commissioner. 


Discussion of the state of other sidewalks in front of homes in Pine Brook.  These sidewalks are the responsibility of the homeowners.  The PBCA is willing to examine whether a deal can be made with whatever repair company is selected to fix the Pavilion Park sidewalks that could include repairs to resident’s sidewalks.  Perhaps a lower per unit price can be worked out. 


The board members were introduced and motioned for election.  The motion was seconded and the members were voted in.  The members elected were:


Treasurer   Ramon Marin

Secretary   David Fish

Board Member Yvonne Abela

Board Member Dave Chajkowski

Board Member Vanessa Chornak

Board Member Don Fry

Board Member Stephanie Lepley

Board Member Gary Marr

Board Member Ann Ulp

Board Member (Open Seat)


Discussion of the repaving of Lamp Post Lane.  Having a newly paved road is wonderful after all the construction.  One resident noted the new road was lower than the old surface resulting in a drop from his driveway.  He called the township and they put new asphalt down to even out the gap.  If anyone else is experiencing the same problem, call the Township.   


Discussion of the two lights not working at the front entrance.  Chaz Lepley will investigate and repair the lights.


The Gardening Committee has been trying to keep up with the weeds at the Front Park and Pavilion Park.  They can always use help.  If you are down by any of the parks and want to pull some weeds, please feel free.  Call Ann Ulp if you can volunteer to help on other projects the committee is considering.


The Pine Brook Directory is about to go to the printer and ready for distribution soon.  Stay tuned.  The directory goes to fully paid members of the association.


Cumberland County is hoping to get started on the new bridge over the creek by 2015.  The board is monitoring what changes the new bridge may have on Front Park.


Santa will be at the Pavilion Park TBA….usually the first Monday or Tuesday after Thanksgiving.  Details coming later.   This event is free and open to kids of all ages.


There was discussion of holding a family movie night in the spring at Pavilion Park.  If you are interested in helping organize this, then there is a greater chance it will happen.  A resident has a projector……we just need to have someone organize it.    


Meeting adjourned 7:30 p.m.


Next meeting at 7 pm, November 18, 2013, 214 Lamp Post Ln., Camp Hill, PA

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