Minutes of Board Meeting August 19, 2012


In attendance: Jacquie Kirby, David Fish, Lee Morrison, Ann Ulp,  Don Fry, Gary Marr, Yvonne Abela, Dave Chajkowski, Ramon Marin



Meeting called to order 7:00 p.m.


Jacquie discussed a letter from Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc, who is doing a preliminary engineering and environmental analysis is the new bridge to replace Orrs Bridge.  The company is conducting surveys, tests and studies in preparation to possible eminent domain seizures.  At this point, nothing has been decided.


Jacquie received a letter from the Township claiming trees owned by the PBCA “on the intersection of Orrs Bridge Road and Lamp Post Lane” were less than 12 feet above the road and could possibly impede fire equipment.  Several board members investigated and found one tree, on the edge of the creek next to the bridge, was overhanging the roadway.  Since the tree limb was on the edge of a slope and between the power lines, it was decided to hire a company to remove the limb.  All residents are reminded of Township rules about keeping trees along their property trimmed to 12 feet above roadways and 8 feet above sidewalks. 


Jacquie discussed the upcoming PBCA picnic on September 7, 2013.  Jacquie was seeking help with organizing the picnic.  


Ramon gave a treasurer’s report.  The PBCA is doing well and is meeting budget.


Discussion of attracting new board members.  The association is looking for nominees.  Please contact any board member to have your name placed on the ballot for the annual meeting. 


Jacquie discussed an email from Wayne and Chuck discussing the neighborhood directory.  The directory will be coming out soon.  Wayne has done the directory for years, but it is time for someone else to take over the publication.  The neighborhood needs someone to take over the duties for laying out the directory, please call any board member to volunteer.  The directory is published every 2 years. 


Meeting ended at 8:00 p.m.


Next Board Meeting September 16, 2013, 7:00 p.m. at 214 Lamp Post Ln. 

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