PBCA Board Meeting, September 23, 2019

Meeting began at 7 PM.

In attendance:

Board:   Lee Morrison, Ramon Marin, Wayne Kessler, Garrison Price, Don Fry, Katie Manning, Rick McMullin , Teresa Williams; also members Dave Fish and Lisa Keck

There was discussion about the upcoming Hampden Township meeting about zoning.  Rick will attend but it appears to be limited to developing definitions of things like "bed and breakfast" establishments.

Ramon gave Treasurers Report.  Membership is still down for year. Discussion about whether to do another membership push at this late date in year, it was generally thought best to hold off and have a more robust effort in 2020.

Wayne will send email about the General Meeting to all members in good standing and mail the same information to less than 30 Members in Good Standing that do not have email addresses.

Discussion about setting up a PO Box for future dues and other received mail for the PBCA at UPS Store.  To be considered for 2020.

Garrison will look into setting up a lockbox at the Pavilion for folks to turn in dues and other content.

Garrison discussed remaining Pavilion improvement pieces: covering existing Pavilion siding with Tyvex and then putting siding over that to protect the structure.

Discussion about Vice President vacancy.  After considerable discussion a vote was held and Garrison Price was elected Vice President.

Discussion about Board vacancy.  Lisa Keck has agreed to be a Board Member pursuant to election at General Meeting.

A quote was received for directories and the plan is to have the contractor layout and print the 2020 PBCA Directory.

Everyone was happy about how the 2019 Picnic turned out - everyone there had a great time, the caricaturist was a big hit, and it was very well done.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30.

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