Board meeting minutes September 18, 2017
In attendance: Lee Morrison, David Fish, Kim Zurflieh, Don Fry, Gary Marr, Carol Deglman, Gene Lowe
Meeting started at 7:00 p.m.
Discussion of dues now at a nearly record high number of dues paying members. Most likely the result of the doorknob hangers, electronic payment and new owners moving in to Pine Brook. The board will continue this same outreach next year and will look into signs at each street to remind people to pay at the beginning of each year.
Discussion of a resolution of statement stating which board members would be signatories to the bank account. Kim motioned for a vote to adopt the statement and resolutions. Gene seconded. Motioned passed unanimously. A pdf of the text of the resolution will be created when finalized.
Discussion of picnic. Attendance of 134. Good time for all. Discussion of whether to continue having a moon bounce at the picnic. The major issue is the lack of parents willing to watch the kids at all time during the picnic. Some members of the board expressed concerns over the possibilities of injuries. Discussion of getting a band to perform. Maybe bingo? Would be very helpful to have an entertainment committee oversee these aspects and to handle the planning.
Discussion of an end of year gettogether or open house in the neighborhood. This would be open to residents. This could be a long term project as it would require a year of planning.
Discussion of planting a fur tree at Pavilion Park for use in a “tree decorating” evening. Maybe using the existing trees along the fence at Pavilion Park. This might require running an electrical line underground with boxes at each tree.
Discussion of possible improvements to the pavilion. Repairs to animal damage, animal proofing the shed, roof issues, etc. Perhaps addition of sliding walls that would allow for use of the pavilion for other seasons. Possibly hire an architect to review the current conditions and provide a long term plan.
Discussion of trees at Hidden Park. The board will have a tree company look at the trees and gives suggestions and estimates.
Discussion of maintenance to lamps at Front Park. Chaz Lepley fixed some issues to lights not coming on and burnt out bulbs.
Discussion of neighborhood directory. Possibly including the names of residents dogs…..because while you may not know the owner’s names, but you do know the dogs.
Carol said the Ladies Day Out is going will. Up to 19 attendees at the last lunch. Every third Monday of the month. May stop during the winter months. Has been successful and is growing. May need to start a carpooling option.
Discussion of items to be discussed at the Annual Meeting.
Meeting ended 8:18 p.m.
Next meeting is the Annual Meeting on October 2, 2017, at 7pm at Pavilion Park.