PBCA Minutes, Monday, August 19th, 2019

Meeting was held at the Pavilion.

In attendance:    Lee Morrison, Ramon Marin, Teresa Williams, Garrison Price, Don Fry, Wayne Kessler, Mike Kessler, Katie Manning, Brad Perva, Rick McMullin, Lisa Keck, Devon Hoch, Travis Turner, Geoff Schofield

It was determined that this year’s Fall Yard Sale will be held on Friday, October 4th and Saturday, October 5th.

Ramon gave a brief Treasurer’s Report.  This month’s summary is on the web site.

Katie gave an update on the Picnic planning.  Everything is coming together – food, games, sign-in.  More volunteers are always welcome.  The Summer Picnic is scheduled for Saturday, September 7th, at the Pavilion.

Brad and Garrison gave an update on the Pavilion work.  Later this week they will power wash in preparation for the picnic.  Items that have been stored in the rafters forever will be reviewed and items not needed will be discarded.

There was a discussion about getting a lockbox to allow residents to drop off dues in person.  There is a drop box at Ramon's at the end of Lamp Post, but Wayne will look into getting a lockbox set up at the Pavilion to allow for drop off.

Hampden Township will be voting on September 26th on zoning issues relating to the St. John's Road development.  Still no word of a traffic study to determine how this may impact traffic on the Carlisle Pike.  Lee said there may be more details at the next PBCA meeting.

The newsletter came out last week and there was a discussion about using postage for delivery rather than block captains.  This was the first newsletter of 2019, and PBCA will be under budget for both newsletter printing and postage for the year. 

There was then a discussion which began about reconstructing the block captain volunteer group for delivery of Pine Brook documents, and that evolved into a discussion about a greater effort to reach out to residents about volunteer opportunities for the neighborhood.  The sentiment seems to be that PBCA needs a board member to better develop this, rather than lumping them into responsibilities of other officer positions.   There can be a lot more done in developing community in Pine Brook with such a focus, and energized volunteers.  More thought and discussion on this at next meeting hopefully.

There was then a discussion about the desire for a printed neighborhood directory.  Some residents don't have computers, or are uncomfortable with using computers, and cannot access the online members-only directory.  It has been many years since PBCA published a print directory.  Wayne explained that there are several things that must be done to publish the print directory, including data collection and updating, advertising determination, laying out and then printing and distribution.  We are looking at a 2020 delivery.  We will be looking for a contractor for the layout and printing.

The directory printing is paid for by advertising - not by dues.

Garrison gave report on the signs for the front entrance.  They will be delivered this week.  Placement to be determined.

Finally, a discussion about the General Election coming in October.  For officers, Ramon is running again for Treasurer and Wayne agreed to be Secretary for one more year.  On the Board, Don Fry is stepping down and Mike Kessler will be a candidate.  All the remaining board members plan to continue, although PBCA has one vacancy to fill as well, so we are looking for volunteers.

Meeting adjourned, next meeting to be held at 7 PM, Monday, September 23rd. (date change on September 5, 2019.)

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