In attendance: Lee Morrison, David Fish, Ann Ulp, Kim Zurflieh, Don Fry, Ramon Marin, Jeanne Lowe
Meeting started 7:00 p.m.
Secretary reported the porta potty had been delivered to Pavilion Park and the water fountain had been turned on at park. Signs for the Hidden Park work day were put out and the yard sale ad had been ordered.
Discussion of March minutes. Approved and will be posted online.
Discussion of board members going to meet with the Township to discuss various township codes and the inability of the PBCA to enforce covenants. Could result in better understanding of whom residents need to contact.
Discussion of neighborhood resolution group in Harrisburg. The board will clarify the nature of what the group can handle. The board will announce this group is very willing to help solve minor neighborly annoyances before they become major problems. The group is more than willing to reach out to both sides of the dispute and have experience in the proper methods for contacting people to facilitate a discussion. Could be a very valuable service in helping to defuse issues before they become problems.
Treasurer gave a report. Directors insurance has come in. Cost for 2016 was $812. The board will evaluate all the insurance policies.
Wayne Kessler proposed a letter to be sent to the residents who have not yet paid their dues. The board discussed changes to this letter which will be sent via email to residents
Yvonne Abela has been doing the welcome baskets for new residents for many years. Yvonne is not able to continuing doing this service and is looking for someone to please take over this process. Joan Marr may be willing to help.
Discussion of damage to baby swing at Hidden Park. The board will look into getting a replacement. The board has heard reports of teens perhaps playing rough with the equipment at the park. If anyone sees any problems, please call the Township police to help. Residents living near the park, if you see something, please ask the kids to stop and/or call their parents.
The Easter Egg Hunt was wonderful. Thanks to Katie Manning and Alison Kilgore for organizing it. There were over 60 adults and kids in the park and everyone had a great time. The prize table was overflowing and thanks to all the families who donated time and materials to make this event a success.
Discussion of potential bug and animal damage to Pavilion. The board will examine treatment/prevention remedies or perhaps replacement of damaged areas.
Discussion of Billy Fish’s William T. Hornaday project in Pine Brook. Please visit for information.
Discussion of treating weeds at Pavilion Park. The president will contact companies to perform weeding service.
Meeting ended 7:57 p.m.
Next board meeting on May 9, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. at 420 Lamp Post Ln.