PBCA Minutes, Monday, July 1, 2019

In attendance:    Lee Morrison, Ramon Marin, Teresa Williams, Garrison Price, Don Fry, Wayne Kessler, Mike Kessler, Katie Manning, Brad Perva, Rick McMullin

Wayne reminded board that the newsletter will be coming out at the end of July and will include information on the Summer Picnic, the Pine Brook Women's Luncheon Group, and the Annual Meeting in October.

Ramon gave the Treasurers Report.  We are still only at about 80% of budget for the year for dues payments.  A letter will be sent to neighbors who we have not received dues from yet.

Katie Manning provided an update for the Summer Picnic, which will be held Saturday, September 7th.  There will be no bounce house this year. Activities and entertainment are still being planned.

Lee shared some articles about trees, water management and wildlife.  There was some discussion about providing information as the Board (or future Pine Brook Garden Club) on the website about useful practices.

Garrison Price will be working on getting the signs for the front entrance park to let the public know that the park is for Pine Brook residents use (and their visitors).

Rick attended the June 13th Planning Commission meeting for Hampden Township.  The Board has concerns about the amount of traffic that will be added to the Carlisle Pike based on plans to add residential developments on both sides of the Carlisle Pike at St. John's Road.  This development plan was discussed but not acted upon at the June 13th meeting.  Rick will be attending the July 11th meeting as it is likely to be up for passage, at which point it would then be considered by the Hampden Township Board of
Commissioners in a future meeting, possibly August 1st.  There has not been an independent traffic assessment publicly provided for the plan yet.  The Board is continuing to closely monitor the situation.

Brad and Garrison met with and received quotes for replacing the Pavilion roof and to add gutter drainage for the roof to prevent further slab/water damage.  The Board agreed to move forward with the preferred proposal and hopefully get the work done prior to the Pine Brook Picnic.

Meeting adjourned, next meeting to be held at 7 PM, Monday, August 12th.  (Changed later to Monday, August 19th)

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