Board meeting minutes February 7, 2017

In attendance: Lee Morrison, Don Fry, Wayne Kessler, Carol Deglman, Richard McMullin, Kim Zurflieh, Ramon Marin

Meeting started at 7:00 p.m.

Minutes for January were not reviewed at the meeting, but have been distributed to the board via email.

Treasurer provided overview of 2016 results.  Revenue was approximately 5% lower than budgeted and expenses approximately 1.3% higher than planned, leaving approximately 12,000 distributed across the 3 PBCA accounts.  Treasurer will provide Feb 2017 report later in the month.

The 2017 budget is based on 2016 numbers.  Treasurer requested input on any additional expenses that should be added.

102 dues payments have been received so far.  Based on the dues received in 2016, it appears that receipts are running ahead of last year.  Payments are slowing down and a followup email will go out at the end of the month. 

There was discussion on placing "PBCA Dues are now Due" signs at the neighborhood exits as a means of reminding folks to get their payments in.  Lee will follow up with Dave.

Discussion of providing positive reinforcement message to folks as they pay - possibly distributed via the listserv.
Rick has volunteered to serve as PBCA's liason to the Hampden Township commissioners and will begin attending the township meetings starting in March.  Questions or comments for the commissioners should be forwarded to Rick prior to the monthly township meeting.

Kim will reach out to Katie Manning/Alison McClure to see if they need neighborhood donations or help with preparing for the Easter Egg Hunt and also set up an alert on Zillow/ to try to identify homes that go on the market in the neighborhood.

Wayne provided a brief overview of the marketplace we could use to obtain a formal Pinebrook logo.

Next meeting March 13, 2017, 700 pm 420 Lamp Post Lane,

Meeting ended 8:00 p.m.

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