Attendees: Wayne Kessler, Lee Morrison, Gary Marr, Rick McMullin, Carol Deglmann, Kim Zurflieh, Jeanne Lowe, Ramon Marin
Meeting began at 7:02 PM.
Meeting began with a discussion of the next follow-up dues letter. Board wished to review the wording from last year’s mailing, Wayne offered to distribute a draft for review via email.
The president provided an update on the new bridge, including the information provided to the appraiser, Chris Fowler. An in person meeting with the appraiser at the site was scheduled for 5/9/2017. President will also follow up with Kirk Stoner.
President also provided an update on the status of the PBCA EIN – PBCA still listed as a tax-exempt organization with the state. Lee has a copy of original incorporation in 1968. In 1987, PBCA obtained an EIN, and in Aug 1987 was approved as a tax-exempt 501-C4 corporation.
In 2006 federal requirement changed – if revenue was under 50K, a postcard return should have been filed. Failure to do this for three consecutive years resulted in an automatic suspension of federal tax-exempt status.
Board is working to correct the address with the IRS and then reapplying for tax- exempt status. Process is complex and will require some time. There will be an $850 application fee, plus an additional fee for the accountant, Jim Holland.
Only one of the two safety deposit box keys has been located.
Board reviewed bills for snow removal, mowing, plumbing for park water fountain.
Treasurer provided an abbreviated report – 11 new checks, approximately 241 homes paid – 58%.
The next meeting will be held June 12th.
Meeting ended at 7:51