2009 PBCA Annual Picnic


Despite a cloudy day and a little bit of rain, the Pine Brook Summer Picnic seemed to be a big hit with everyone attending. This year we had 140 people at the picnic!!! Considering the weather, that is wonderful.

Because of the brief periods of drizzle, the moonwalk didn’t get as much use as the kids would have liked, but there were plenty of other things to do. A big thank you to Betty Fish and the Chirieleison family for providing some engaging games for the young ones.

There are a few other folks to thank because without their help, the picnic never would have happened.

Bill Myers provided his own sound system and what a sound it produced!! You know you have a great system when it was only turned halfway up and I couldn’t hear my wife calling me from our home down on Lamp Post Ln. asking us to turn it down!! Thanks very much to Bill for putting the “party” in the picnic this year.

Thanks to Jim McVeagh and Freysinger Pontiac/GMC/Buick/Mazda/Hyundai for supplying the snow cone machine. Judging by the long line at the table, the snow cones were a good idea.

Thank you to Stephanie and Chaz Lepley for their help with many aspects of the picnic... especially for organizing the BBQ food.

Speaking of that, thanks to The Chicago Grill in Harrisburg, owned by Pine Brook resident Fred Baskins, for providing the wonderful pulled pork, chicken patties and BBQ ribs!! If you get a chance, check out Fred’s place over by the Governor’s Mansion.

A big thank you to Chuck and Diane Voda for taking care of the registration table. They checked people in and managed to sell a bunch of raffle tickets, too.

Thanks to the Wilson, Kessler, Baker, and Marin families for the big help they provided before, during and after the picnic.

Thanks to the Miller family for providing the firewood for the first ever fire in the new fire pit. The marshmallows were great……at the pumpkin fest in October at the Pavilion... we will have chocolate and graham crackers as well.

Thanks to “Chef Dave” for working the grill all night and turning out some great burgers and hot dogs.

And a special thank you to Dave Fish, who, as he does every year, put together a special picnic for the enjoyment of all who came. It doesn't happen without a lot of work from Dave.

Finally, thanks again to everyone who came to the picnic and hopefully next year will be even bigger.

photos by Dave Fish

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